- اللغة : العربية
- اﻟﺘﺼﻨﻴﻒ : كتب منوعة
- ردمك :
- الحجم : 1.81 Mo
- عدد الصفحات : 150
- عدد التحميلات : 986
- نوع الملف : PDF
- المؤلف : د. خالد السيد حسن
تحميل كتاب Structure and Dimensions of the Egyptian Labor Force: A Demographic and Economic Perspective pdf الكاتب د. خالد السيد حسن
The book is interested in studying the changes that occurred in the structure of the Egyptian workforce during the period (1976-1996) according to the main social and economic characteristics (employment status, educational level, industrial classification, and occupational structure). The book presents some standardized labor measures for the Egyptian workforce, such as the crude activity rate (CAR), the refined activity rate (RAR), unemployment rates, and the age-specific activity rates (ASARs), with the aim of facilitating more comparative studies between Egypt and other countries. The book also provides a set of quantitative measures of the impact of unemployment on the Egyptian economy, by estimating the years of economically active life for the current generation of Egyptian workers, and the losses from these years due to unemployment, denominated by the loss in working years at current unemployment rates, the loss in productivity and national income due to the Prevailing rates of unemployment. Finally, the book presents projection to the supply and demand side of the Egyptian labor force for the coming years, in light of the current enrollment rates, unemployment rates, economic growth, investment and other demographic and economic measures.
تحميل كتاب Structure and Dimensions of the Egyptian Labor Force: A Demographic and Economic Perspective PDF - د. خالد السيد حسن
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